Our task was to create an advent poster for the Wellington Catholic District School Board that would be "Keeping Christ in Christmas." To get inspiration for this task, I went over to Church of Our Lady to get some pictures. Unfortunately, after waiting for about an hour, they would not let me into the church. So, while the sun was setting, I decided to take advantage of the situation I was in and get some pictures of the church. We are only supposed to be submitting one poster but I will be submitting three. The pictures were only okay so I decided to photo shop them a bit and change them to make them more interesting to look at.

For this picture, I changed the saturation, brightness, and shadows and hue. Then, I lassoed around the lamb and the doorways and brightened the colour and hue. For this, I used the Enhancing button. Next, I created a box around the bottom the the stairs and changed the opacity so it wasn't very noticeable, and that it all flowed right down the stairs to the quote. The box also changed helps show the quote and makes it readable. Lastly, I changed the little details and took the Wellington School Board logo and using the clear paint bucket, deleted away the background and fitted the logo into the corner. This makes everything look more glorious.
This picture is given the feeling that God is always around in plain sight, even when others do not notice. The doors represent that the church is a safe place, and if you want a clean start to your life, it will happen if you have faith. The Lamb over head represents that Christ the Lord is always looking out for everyone, even if it takes a little push, they will find their way through Heaven's Gates. The doorway for eternal happiness. Christmas is a time where we all come together, and celebrate our joy in life. Christmas is not about presents, but what the church and our faith does for us. Love and Faith are the biggest present of all. ADVENT POSTER TWO - THE GLORY OF GOD

For this picture again, I changed the saturation, brightness, and shadows and hue. The sun beam is all real, and I did nothing to change it. Then I added a border at the top of the poster, colouring it yellow and changing the opacity so that you can see the clouds in the background. Then I added the font, and changed it around a bit and changed colours so that the word Christ was well seen. Lastly, I changed the little details and took the Wellington School Board logo and using the clear paint bucket, deleted away the background and fitted the logo into the corner.
I think that this picture shows that God is always in the church, and always in our hearts. God can be found everywhere we look and can even be our inspiration at times when we do not feel like he is around us anymore. God creates beauty, and he creates a hope for us, that we will be with him soon. Even in the hardest of times God will be with us, and will help us through our journeys. Christmas is a time where we all come together, and celebrate our joy in life. Christmas is not about presents, but what the church and our faith does for us. Love and Faith are the biggest present of all.

This picture I also changed the saturation, brightness, and shadows and hue with the Enhancing button, along with every other poster I had made. I lassoed around the whole church and made it look more glorious. Then, I added text and changed the shape and size and colour of each of the words so that they fitted together and looked good. Lastly, I changed the little details and took the Wellington School Board logo and using the clear paint bucket, deleted away the background and fitted the logo into the corner.
The picture taken looking up shows that the church is a big community and we are all connected. The sky above shows that God brought everyone together, and brought us our favourite things in this world, and he wants us to be happy. One day, we will be with him and be able to watch down on others, and see others who have passed before us. The church is glorious and we will always be together, and it will take a lot to try to tear us down. We stand tall and proud, and we are proud of our faith and our God. Christmas is a time where we all come together, and celebrate our joy in life. Christmas is not about presents, but what the church and our faith does for us. Love and Faith are the biggest present of all. -Gorecki.