Thursday, September 16, 2010


While i was home today, I decided to take a picture off the internet of a girl and change it and make her into a were-girl. The before and afters are there and I have decided to call it "IN THE SHADOWS." Then I put a copyright on my work. Just in case.

To make this picture, I had to add colour to the eyes and mouth while making the rest of the picture black and white. To do this I added layers. Layers are what you need for you to succeed. They really help you keep track of things, and if you screw up, you can always delete them and re do it. I changed the opacity on everything and then added dimensions and created depth. It looks like she is in the shadows. Then, the blood going down her chin, I cut it out from another picture and resized it, then changed the opacity on it. I hope you like the picture. :)

- Gorecki.

1 comment:

  1. Very effective. Now...I'm being really picky because you are working at such an advance level. Do you see a flaw at the corner of her mouth? the colour ends abruptly. And..wouldn't it be more powerful if the eye colour was really dramatic. I don't mean Vampire red, but something like electric blue. this is a very effective piece of work.
