For this task, we were to take a picture of ourselves and turn the picture into an "Andy Warholl Style Silk Screen Effect." I took a picture of me looking away from the camera because I am the type of person who just doesn't want to hear it. I prefer to be off thinking in my own little world and get bored easily. My imagination just goes on forever and and has endless possibilities. While choosing colours for this picture, I started off with one that I really liked at the time; the blue-green colour. Then, while choosing the other colours, I tried to find ones that complimented each other, using a warmer colour and another that went with the cooler colour. I chose bolder colours because I am a bold person. I feel that I am happy with this picture because it just doesn't look very realistic. This just isn't my type of art I enjoy. A problem that I had with this task was to find a picture that had enough shadow to show my facial features and would transition nicely after using the Threshold button. I just had to take a million pictures until I found one that would work and one that I liked. Once I picked a picture, I cropped the background out of it. Then, I used the cloning tool to fix any blemishes I didn't want to see. After finding my colours to use and using the Threshold button, I added all the colours in. I also added another fourth colour to each of the pictures, and that was a lighter colour on my face and neck to show where the light would be hitting me. (Not literally) I used colours that would compliment the whole picture and bring it together. Looking back on this picture, I find it interesting to look at but I am not a professional. I know this picture isn't perfect but I did the best I could in the amount of time I had and I hope you enjoy it.
( IGNORE THIS PLEASE : TO STEPHEN: Hi there this is Jenna Gorecki reporting from the computer in the media arts room. )
- Gorecki.
Grrr! I just typed you a detailed response and it disappeared. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteSo...here's a more concise version. This is very capable work.I like the topographical look to your face, breaking it into shades of the same colour is very sophisticated. The pose is much more intriguing than looking straight at the camera. The detail in the strands of hair against the shirt is excellent, rather than just a block of black. The wobble in the line of the shirt gives an interesting sense of movement. Your colour palette is excellent in that the colour have the same intensity or value. The only possible critique is that it doesn't really look like you and if this was a Warhol piece the subject would be identifiable. That said, your write-up is excellent and I think you continue to show talent, even when it is not a style that calls your name:)