Friday, September 17, 2010

Blending Fun

Today, I decided to make a blend. I haven't made one in a while but I hope it is satisfactory. The blend is of Candica Accola from The Vampire Diaries. I was watching the show the other day and I decided that I wanted to make a picture of her. Credit of pictures from Thank You. I just played around with buttons until I came up with something that I thought was alright. I will probably make another one but for now, enjoy.

- Gorecki.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


While i was home today, I decided to take a picture off the internet of a girl and change it and make her into a were-girl. The before and afters are there and I have decided to call it "IN THE SHADOWS." Then I put a copyright on my work. Just in case.

To make this picture, I had to add colour to the eyes and mouth while making the rest of the picture black and white. To do this I added layers. Layers are what you need for you to succeed. They really help you keep track of things, and if you screw up, you can always delete them and re do it. I changed the opacity on everything and then added dimensions and created depth. It looks like she is in the shadows. Then, the blood going down her chin, I cut it out from another picture and resized it, then changed the opacity on it. I hope you like the picture. :)

- Gorecki.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The New Kid At School Assignment

For this assignment, we were told to take three class pictures from last year, from any three people in our class. Then we had to take different features from those people and make an entirely different person, yet still having the picture look realistic and not like Mr. Potato Head. Something interesting about this picture I created is that this girl looks a bit like my hair dresser. What a weird coincidence. I will name her Jane, after my hair dresser.
BEFORE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AFTER

This is how I made Jane.

I took Jill's face, erin's mouth, and my eyes and morphed them together. I used the cloning brush and took away Jill's eyes and mouth, leaving her nose intact. Then, to get Erin's mouth and my eyes, I used the lasso and feather and copied them in the picture and pasted them where I wanted them. Then I used the lasso and feathering to blend everything together to make it as seamless as possible. I used other students pictures to cut out the top of the shirt and the school logo by using lasso and cutting them and pasting them onto Jane; then I blended everything together again. Then, using the lasso again, I drew around the hair and changed the colour using the Enhance - Adjust Hue/Saturation tool, changing her hair to strawberry blonde. After, I used the cloning brush to try to cut around the long hair and make it not seem very photo-shopped. Lastly, using the lasso I drew around the eyes and changed the colour using the Enhance - Adjust colour curves tool, changing the colour of her eyes, my eyes, from blue-ish brown, to hazel eyes. I looked over my picture again and touched up a few things I wanted to fix, added a nose piercing and voila! MEET JANE, the newest member to our Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic High School. I hope you find her visually appealing.

I feel like I accomplished what I had set out to do. I think I created a very realistic new person, and I'm very proud of Jane. I hope you like her as much as I like her. :)

- Gorecki.